Reflection of Board Interview – Diamond Davis

When I first started to interview Ruby, I was nervous. It felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. But I tried not to look at it as me doing it for me but for the people who I’m doing it for.

The interview with Ruby went great. I was afraid that she would talk too quickly, but she explained everything very slowly and knowledgeably. I also thought that Ruby would give me less information than I was looking for, but she gave me enough information to last for years.

While I was interviewing Ruby, I expected her to be less fidgety. She surprised me because she has that special tendency that no one could match: she fidgeted, but she had an unhurried way about her. It also surprises me that she gave me the information I was looking for.

After interview Ruby, I learned that board members are very important and busy people. The next time, I will try to be more relaxed and help make the person I interview more comfortable.