TRANSforming Shakespeare

Ideas Summit: Intersections in the Arts

Discover the transformative power of creative casting in "TRANSforming Shakespeare." In a rapidly evolving world, delve into how gender concepts shape our interpretations of Shakespearean tales. Join Jennifer Lanier from the Original Practice Shakespeare Festival, alongside esteemed guests to soon be announced, as they explore the dynamic intersection of gender representation and theatrical storytelling. Don't miss this discussion on how diverse casting enhances our understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's timeless works.

Jennifer Lanier

Jennifer Lanier is a classically trained actor who turned to comedy to keep from going out of her mind. She was born at a military base in Washington State, grew up in North Carolina and attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. Upon being convinced that the world was close to the apocalypse (but that's another story), she moved to Hawaii (not that it takes much convincing to move to Hawaii). Realizing that the world had not in fact ended, she moved to the Pacific Northwest, home of designer coffee, craft beer, and many women who could pass for lesbians. One in particular grabbed her attention but that's another story.... 

Acting has always been Jennifer's passion but after a few movies, television shows , and commercials, it became apparent that roles tend to be few and far between for big brown butch women. So, between gigs, she started writing and after a fashion, had enough material to create NONE OF THE ABOVE with her mentor and coffee buddy, Robert P. Moyer. There was a lot of material left and after sharing some of it with her friend, the very funny Belinda Carroll, Belinda challenged her to do stand up. It only took 657 days for her to go to her first open mike and when no one heckled her off the stage, she decided to keep at it. So far, so good.

Jennifer is also an accomplished drag king. Her drag persona, Bruce TD King has entertained audiences and been an emcee for Pride events all over the country.

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