Rock 'n Roll that Heals featuring Mary McBride

Live music is more than just entertainment; it is a source of joy, a soothing balm, a forger of community. Singer-songwriter Mary McBride’s Home Tour, hailed by The Washington Post as "extraordinary" and by The Wall Street Journal as "a way of highlighting how communities can be nurtured, whether by sharing shelter, stories or live music,” brings live concerts and the curative power of music to tens of thousands of people living in “non-traditional” housing—those who are most in need of live music, but least able to access it. In this event, Mary will give us a window onto her work, particularly her current initiative with young adults at Connecticut Mental Health Center and participating local mental health and housing facilities.
Lynne DeLucia, Journalist
Mary McBride, Singer-songwriter and founder of The Home Tour
Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Rick Moody, Author