Tour the Outer Island! Our activities focus on Clean Water including: Investigating water properties and looking for plastics in the Sound, measuring water quality, comparing current data to the past data, Introduction to EarthEchoWater Global citizen science water monitoring use sieves to sift beach sand and collect micro-plastics (get the chance to use our sand sifters), learning how to test water samples and share water quality data globally, and measuring temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen.
How Sound is the Sound

The Friends of Outer Island
The Friends of Outer Island is an all-volunteer organization with 501(c)3 non-profit status working in partnership with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and the Connecticut State University System. Our mission is to preserve the natural and coastal resources of Outer Island, provide environmental education and wildlife-dependent recreation to visitors and underrepresented groups, and assist with the maintenance and improvement of island facilities.